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          Rhythmic flow

The Principle of Rhythm.

Everything flows, out and in.

Everything has its tides, all things rise and fall. The pendulum-swing manifests in everything. The measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left, rhythm compensates.

This Principle embodies the truth that in everything there is manifested a measured motion.

To and fro, a flow and inflow,a swing backward and forward.

A pendulum-like movement, a tide-like ebb and flow, a high-tide and low-tide.

Between the two poles which exist in accordance with the Principle of Polarity.

There is always an action and a reaction,an advance and a retreat, a rising and a sinking. This is in the affairs of the Universe, suns, worlds, men, animals, mind, energy, matter.

Algorithems oscillation,frequencies,even the subconscious is rhythmic in nature.

Rhythm is and will always be a solidification of the vibratory state of the physical dimension, through out the fabric of our existence.


For years advertising has been using cyclic images and tones.

To affect the subconsious in specific rhythmic patterns.

To increase a desire for products. Hyptnosis is used in the same way.

Since our bodies contain a great deal of fluids we resonate with the same charectoristics as can be seen in the picture above. As the wave length can be visably observed.

Drumming is being used in experimental treatments for different health problems because of its healing effect on the body and the mind. 

Hence drumming is really good for you.

        Voice and Ring

Quality made drum bodies respond to a specific tone. They are all different depending on the maker.

When a certain note is hummed or played close to the drum body you can hear it resonate to that specific frequency.

This is feature professionals search for when they are in the maket for a drum.

The voice of the drum is what you hear when the drum is played depending on where and how the head is struck.

The ring you hear will be different depending on who and where the drum was made and what is made the infamous remo ring.

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